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This return policy has been prepared based on current legislation and may be updated without prior notice.

Deadline for withdrawal and return

The customer has the right to terminate the contract without incurring any costs other than the cost of returning the product(s), and without needing to provide a reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the customer or a third party indicated by the customer (other than the carrier) acquires physical possession of the product(s).

Thus, in the case of exercising the right of free resolution, any purchase made in the store can be returned up to the deadline of 14 days after being received. After this period, it will not be possible to offer a refund or exchange of the item(s).

If the customer wishes to exercise the right of free resolution of the contract, they must fill in and submit any unequivocal declaration of contract termination. This can be done by contacting the store within the aforementioned period, requesting the free resolution form, or explicitly indicating through the email [email protected] that they wish to terminate the contract.

The contact made by email must refer to the following data:

  • Name of the recipient.
  • Telephone/mobile contact.
  • Order number.
  • Order date.
  • Date of receipt of the order.
  • Number of products and/or services purchased.

Upon receipt of the request for free resolution of the contract, a response will be given as soon as possible, in order to facilitate and schedule the collection of the purchased product(s).

Conditions for return

In order for a purchase to be eligible for return, the purchased items must be in the same condition in which they were delivered. It will also be necessary for them to be returned in the original packaging and without signs of improper use or mishandling. The return should always be made to the merchant and never to the supplier of the products and/or services.


In order for the return process to be completed, it will be necessary to include the shipment of the purchase invoice, the payment proof, and the return form.


The refund of the value of the product(s), as well as delivery costs, will be total within 14 days from the date we are informed of the decision to freely resolve.

The Azulejo Publicitário Português Store is not obliged to refund additional return costs such as a collection method of the product(s) different and more costly than the one we present. In the case of the collection of the product(s) from the customer being requested by the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store, the refund process will be initiated after the proper reception of the product(s). The customer will be notified by email regarding this process.

The refund will be made using the same payment method used by the customer in the initial payment, except in situations of express agreement and where the customer does not incur any costs as a consequence of the refund. If you do not receive the refund within the indicated period, you may contact us at the number 918771302.


An exchange of items is only accepted when the order is defective, incomplete, incorrect, or has damages resulting from the delivery act. If you wish to exchange an item, you should contact us by email at the following address: [email protected]. The item should be sent to the following address: Rua das Flores 34, Couchel, 3350-085 Vila Nova de Poiares.


If the item was a gift, it will only be accepted for exchange upon presentation of the respective gift receipt.

Shipping costs

The shipping costs initially paid will be included in the refund amount, as provided for in the legislation in force in Decree-Law Nº 24/2014.

If the customer wishes a different collection method than that defined by the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store, the customer will be responsible for paying the additional shipping costs related to the return of the product to the store, whether for the purpose of return or exchange.

We cannot guarantee that items are returned or arrive in the same condition as when they were sent.

International returns

In the case of an order delivered abroad, the return process is carried out based on the conditions mentioned above.