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Privacy and Cookies Policy

The present Privacy and Cookies Policy is intended to explain how the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store collects, stores, and processes your personal data and other data that may be collected for statistical analysis purposes. The Azulejo Publicitário Português Store (Tax ID 213074095) is responsible for the website and commits to ensuring the privacy and protection of the personal data of customers and visitors, following all current legal and regulatory standards.

The Azulejo Publicitário Português Store reserves the right to periodically update and change its Privacy and Cookies Policy, to reflect any changes in how our customers' personal data is processed or in legal terms. The most recent and current version of the Privacy and Cookies Policy will be displayed at the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store.

Guiding principles

The main objective of this policy is to consolidate the relationship of trust and closeness between the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store and its respective customers. It also aims to demonstrate transparency in the handling of collected data and to inform all customers of their rights and how they can exercise them, as data subjects.

Legal basis

The Azulejo Publicitário Português Store acts in strict compliance with the principles described in this policy, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation — GDPR) and applicable data protection legislation, in all processes involving the processing of personal data.

According to the GDPR, personal data is defined as: “Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.”

Data protection

We use various measures aimed at ensuring the security of the collected information, the protection of the personal data collected, preventing their misuse, alteration, or unauthorized access, disclosure, loss, or destruction. As the data subject, the customer has the right to know what data is collected and stored, as well as to modify it in the customer area and request the store to export or delete it.

Data collected


When making a purchase at the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store, the following data is collected: email, name, address, postal code, locality, telephone (optional), and Tax Identification Number (optional). The data collected through the customer's purchase process will be processed automatically and are intended for the processing of orders, such as the dispatch of orders or the issuance of invoices.

Contact form

The Azulejo Publicitário Português Store may also request personal data in contact forms, specifically, the name, email, and other information that the visitor provides us.


Data related to navigation in the store may also be collected. Examples of this type of data are device and browser information, network information, and IP address.

Purpose of the collected data

Personal data are collected and processed for the following purposes:

  • Compliance with fiscal obligations.
  • Dispatch of orders.
  • Processing of orders.
  • Invoicing.
  • Resolution of issues such as cancellation, return of products, or refund of the product and/or service value in accordance with current law.
  • Customer support: clarification of doubts about products, the operation of the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store, or any other question asked by the customer.

When do we collect the data?

Data is collected when filling out the contact form, registering an order, or during navigation in the store.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

The data subject has the right, at any time, to request access, rectification, opposition, exportation, and/or deletion, as well as the right not to be subject to automated decisions. The customer can exercise any of these rights with the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store, by submitting a request sent to the following address [email protected]. The customer can also lodge a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD).

Data retention

The Azulejo Publicitário Português Store is required to retain information for tax purposes and audits in accordance with current law. It keeps your data due to specific requirements and practices inherent to the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store and its sector of activity, or until the customer requests their data to be deleted from the database. The data subject can, at any time, ask to access, rectify, or delete their personal data by sending an email to [email protected].

If a customer registers with the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store, they can check, edit, or delete their personal information at any time from the customer area of the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store. Upon the customer's request, the Azulejo Publicitário Português Store can change certain customer data associated with registered orders.

Data sharing

A Loja do Azulejo Publicitário Português não cede ou vende qualquer tipo de dado pessoal a outra entidade além das que são necessárias ao funcionamento do serviço. Não serão também utilizados dados pessoais para qualquer outro fim sem o devido consentimento do titular. Qualquer entidade terceira, com a qual os dados do cliente possam ser partilhados, é obrigada a utilizá-los exclusivamente como forma de executar o bom funcionamento do seu serviço em nome da Loja do Azulejo Publicitário Português. A Loja do Azulejo Publicitário Português pode ainda revelar informações pessoalmente identificáveis sob circunstâncias especiais, tais como no cumprimento de ordens judiciais que assim o exijam ou quando determinadas acções violam os Termos e Condições do negócio.


The Azulejo Publicitário Português Store uses cookies on the website. The cookies used do not collect information that identifies the visitor, but rather about how they interact with the store's website. The data collected are used for statistical purposes, service provision, and improvement of the user experience.

What types of cookies are used?

  • Analytical Cookies: Used for the creation and analysis of statistics, in order to improve the functioning of the website, without ever collecting personal information.
  • Functionality Cookies: Save the user's preferences regarding the use of the site, so that it is not necessary to reconfigure the site each time you visit it.
  • Third-Party Cookies: These cookies are created by third-party services, such as Google, Youtube, Facebook, among others. They can be used to show you advertising related to your actions on the website.

For any other question related to the protection of your personal data or about the cookies used, you can contact us through the following address: [email protected].