Research, preserve, and share

About the project

Lost within Portugal's rural landscapes and on the facades of old factories and shops, lie hidden ceramic tile panels that once served as advertising posters during the mid-20th century. These hand-painted panels quietly narrate the tales of products and companies, many now forgotten, blurring the lines between commercial functionality and artistic charm.

The resilience of these ceramic relics against the onslaught of time and elements stands in contrast to the ephemeral nature of modern advertising. These advertisements were not designed to vanish with a click, but to stand as enduring testaments to the businesses they represented. Their distinct aesthetic compositions, innovative use of typography and color, register not only the prevalent design and advertising imagery but also reflect the society and commerce of that time.

The Azulejo Publicitário Português project is committed to maintaining a digital inventory of these works, accessible for free and with permissive licenses, and also, whenever possible, intervene to physically protect those at risk. We aim to develop initiatives that introduce these panels to the public, their stories, the brands and companies they advertised, and the skilled hands that painted them. Our interest lies in this intersection of art, history, and memory, and in proving that, in the face of change and their gradual disappearance, there are certain aspects of the past that remain timeless and worthy of preservation.
